Facts You Must Know About Diamonds

Until now, very few precious metals are compared to diamonds when it comes to rarity, strength, sparkle and more importantly the connection with love.
All over the world, any diamond product like anniversary rings or asscher cut engagement rings are held in high esteem thanks to the mysteriously magical appeal that the precious stone it represents.
So what makes a diamond special? Apart from the fact that they are scarce and magnificent gifts of nature, they have a special place in the history of jewellery making. Here are some crucial facts:-
  • Beauty

Whether on an asscher cut engagement ring or anniversary rings, the radiance diamond emits is more than admirable. Beyond the cuts, the innate naturally endowed characteristics give that unique beauty that’s almost inconceivable.

  • Durability

Given that diamond is the hardest substance ever discovered, it goes without saying that they are long-lasting. A typical diamond ring design is sturdy and can be worn for generations without losing the natural shine and value.

  • Rarity

Of course, just like other precious metals, diamonds remain limited in supply. Even with modern exploration and mining technologies, recent discoveries haven’t satisfied existing demand.

  • Valuable

While it may not be the most expensive precious metal, its products are not in any way cheap. Even better, the value does not diminish with time thanks to its high structural strength.

Now, if you are interested in diamond jewellery, beyond the appearance there something else you need to know. And what’s that? The four C’s which basically refers to the Cut, Color, Clarity, and Colour. Before you put your money on a ring, it worth knowing that the parent metal aren’t exactly the same so the C’s provide a standardised way of grading the quality.
·         Cut
The cut refers to the symmetry of the stone with regard to depth or shallowness e.g asscher cut diamond or princess cut diamond. Of course this is different with overall shape of the stone. So why is the cut important? Simple, it determines the brilliance and outer appeal. A poor quality cut means dark and undesirable reflections which of course lowers the sense of elegance and style.
·         Colour
Diamonds are also ranked depending on natural appearance. The scale may be a little confusing for first timers. Either way, you need to know the more colourless or naturally white a diamond is the more the value.
·         Carat
Carat simply refers to the unit of measurement of gemstones. As such it will tell you about the weight of the diamond. Normally the more the carat the more costly it will be with all the other C’s being equal.
·         Clarity
As the word suggests, this is all about how appears at a glance. The clarity considers things like external blemishes and grain lines among others. Because clarity is rather subjective is doesn’t necessarily lower appeal but fewer flaws will likely cost more that higher clarity grade.
You must always choose a reliable jeweller for making a precious purchase like this. If you stay around Hatton garden, then you must visit Abrahams Diamonds which is a well reputed jeweller in London.


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